
[DEPRECATED] Apps API Write Endpoints

The Update an app, Archive an app, Unarchive an app, and Create an app endpoints are being marked as deprecated pending reintroduction and/or replacement functionality.

What’s changing?

A number of Apps API endpoints that support writing app data to Benchling are being marked as deprecated. These endpoints were created alongside the earliest releases of Benchling Apps, and as the app framework has evolved they have become less relevant to the way developers manage apps. Specifically, the following endpoints are being marked as deprecated:

Because of the way that Benchling Apps have evolved, these endpoints currently have extremely low usage and are therefore being deprecated to discourage wider adoption. As updates are made to Benchling Apps and the app framework, these endpoints may be reintroduced, replaced, or sunset at a future date.

When is this happening?

These endpoints are currently marked as deprecated. Stay tuned to the Changelog for more details going forward.