
SDK Version 1.16.0 Release Notes

Version 1.16.0 of the Benchling SDK makes Webhook subscriptions generally available via the Manifest API. With this release, the BenchlingAppManifestSubscriptions model receives updates for subscribing to Webhooks. This follows from our announcement: Explicit Webhook Subscriptions and Webhook Version Update.


SDK Version 1.15.0 Release Notes

Version 1.15.0 of the Benchling SDK adds a new webhook event type for future use, and adds compatibility with recent versions of the third-party dependencies attrs and backoff.


SDK Version 1.14.0 Release

Version 1.14.0 of the Benchling SDK enables new features related to workflows. This includes adding new services with their associated new methods and model classes, as well as new properties in existing model classes.


SDK Version 1.13.0 Release

Version 1.13.0 of the Benchling SDK is a release focusing on changes to the delivery of Webhooks for both Events and App Signals. This includes adding new types and classes to allow developers to be productive with forward-looking models, as well as deprecating existing V0 shapes.


Explicit Webhook Subscriptions and Webhook Version Update

Existing webhook types are being promoted from v0 to v2, and a new explicit webhook subscription mechanism is being made generally available. These changes will go live on June 11th 2024. This date marks the start of a migration period, during which apps must be updated to support v2 webhooks and explicit webhook subscriptions. This migration period ends on July 11th 2024, at which time v0 webhooks and implicit webhook subscriptions will be fully sunset. Expand for more details.


[SUNSET] App Lifecycle Management

The lifecycleManagement manifest field is being removed from the manifest specification, and the clientId and clientSecret fields in thev0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested webhook type are being sunset. This webhook type will be replaced by the webhook type. Both of these are now considered deprecated, and will be fully sunset on July 11th 2024.


Upcoming - Shareable Apps GA

Shareable Apps (formerly known as “Global Apps”) are moving into a full GA release! As a part of this rollout, there are a number of changes to Benchling Apps and app-related features coming over the next few months. Check out the Shareable Apps FAQ for more details and stay tuned for subsequent announcements.


[SUNSET] DNA, RNA, AA Sequences, Enzymes, Codon Usage Tables v2-alpha, v2-beta and v2-experimental Endpoints

A number of v2-experimental, v2-alpha and v2-beta endpoints for DNA Sequences, DNA oligos, RNA oligos, AA Sequences, Enzymes, and Codon Usage Tables will be sunset on June 3, 2024. Please use their stable v2 equivalents instead.


Enforcing Entity Link Validation for Inventory Objects

Previously unenforced entity link validation is being updated and will be properly enforced beginning on May 23rd 2024.


Update to warehouse connection and transaction guidelines

In order to protect the integrity and stability of the Warehouse for customers, we are rolling out some new guidelines for direct connections to the Warehouse, including connection limits and polling best practices. Check out the Limits guide for more details.