
[DEPRECATED] Fixed plate wells can no longer be independently renamed

Benchling will no longer support changing the name of wells in fixed plates; fixed plate well names will only be updated if the plate name is updated. This change will go live on July 8th 2024.

What’s changing?

Previously, it was possible to update the name of individual fixed plate wells if the “edit names” access policy was granted. This allowed fixed plate well names to be updated to any value, independent of the name of the plate.

To improve the representation of plates in the platform to more align with how users conceptualize plates, fixed plate wells will no longer support name changes separate from the parent fixed plate. The name of a fixed plate well will only be updated if the name of the parent plate changes.

For example, the following changes are currently supported:

  • Plate name: PlateA -> PlateB
  • Well name: Plate A:A1 -> PlateC:A1

Going forward, the second change will not be supported. Instead, these changes would look like this:

  • Plate name: PlateA -> PlateB
  • Well name: PlateA:A1 -> PlateB:A1

When is this happening?

This change will go live on July 8, 2024. If you have integrations that interact with the inventory, consider confirming that updates to fixed plate well names are not involved.