
SDK Preview Builds

Pre-release Preview builds of the Benchling SDK are now published to PyPi

What’s changing?

In addition to standard stable releases of the Benchling SDK, Benchling now publishes Preview builds. Preview builds are pre-releases that are published frequently to PyPi, and generally include changes and/or new features that are in active development. Preview releases are a great way to do early testing and get a head start building with upcoming features. You can find preview builds in benchling-sdk release history tagged pre-release.

For the purposes of our Stability Guidelines, preview builds are considered alpha functionality, and may be subject to breaking changes without notice. While preview builds introduce new features, they are not intended for production use. We highly encourage you to provide feedback on them!

You can install the latest preview release of the Benchling SDK via Poetry (if applicable):

poetry add benchling-sdk --allow-prereleases

Or via Pip:

pip install benchling-sdk --pre

When is this happening?

The first preview build, benchling-sdk version 1.5.0a0, is available now! Find it on PyPi.