
SDK Version 1.14.0 Release

Version 1.14.0 of the Benchling SDK enables new features related to workflows. This includes adding new services with their associated new methods and model classes, as well as new properties in existing model classes.

What’s Changing?


  • New service benchling.v2.stable.workflow_flowcharts, representing the nodes and edges that a flowchart is comprised of. This service supports get_by_id() and list() methods. See API reference for Workflow Flowcharts.
  • New service benchling.v2.stable.workflow_flowchart_config_versions, representing versioned graphs of flowchart configurations. This service supports only get_by_id(). See API reference for Workflow Flowchart Config Versions.
  • In benchling_sdk.models, new model classes WorkflowFlowchart, WorkflowFlowchartPaginatedList, and WorkflowFlowchartConfigVersion, which are returned by the new service methods. There are also many new classes representing data structures within these models, such as WorkflowFlowchartNodeConfig.
  • In benchling_sdk.models, new enum type ListWorkflowFlowchartsSort, which is an optional parameter for benchling.v2.stable.workflow_flowcharts.list().
  • In benchling_sdk.models.WorkflowOutput, new optional properties sourceTasks, sourceOutputs, nextTasks, and nextOutputs.
  • In benchling_sdk.models.WorkflowTask, new optional properties sourceTasks, sourceOutputs, nextTasks, nextOutputs, rootTask, and executionFlowchartId.
  • In benchling_sdk.models.WorkflowTaskGroup, new optional properties flowchartConfigVersionId, nodeConfig, rootTaskGroup, and flowchartTaskGroup.
  • In benchling_sdk.models.WorkflowTaskSchema, new optional properties flowchartConfig and defaultResponsibleParties.

When is this happening?

Version 1.14.0 of the Benchling SDK is now live! Find the SDK in PyPI.