
SDK Version 1.16.0 Release Notes

Version 1.16.0 of the Benchling SDK makes Webhook subscriptions generally available via the Manifest API. With this release, the BenchlingAppManifestSubscriptions model receives updates for subscribing to Webhooks. This follows from our announcement: Explicit Webhook Subscriptions and Webhook Version Update.

What’s Changing?


  • WorkflowTaskGroupMappingCompletedEvent has been added as an Event (v2.workflowTaskGroup.mappingCompleted), deliverable only via EventBridge. This event is not available for delivery via Webhooks in this release.


  • EventCreatedMessageSubscriptionV0Beta has been removed. All clients should use MessageSubscriptionWebhookV2Beta instead.
  • The enum MessageTypeWebhookV2Beta incorrectly contained v2-beta subscription objects. E.g., v2-beta.assayRun.created or V2_BETAASSAYRUNCREATED are replaced by v2.assayRun.created or V2_ASSAYRUNCREATED.

Version 1.16.0 of the Benchling SDK is now live! Find the SDK in PyPI.