
[SUNSET] App Lifecycle Management

The lifecycleManagement manifest field is being removed from the manifest specification, and the clientId and clientSecret fields in thev0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested webhook type are being sunset. This webhook type will be replaced by the webhook type. Both of these are now considered deprecated, and will be fully sunset on July 11th 2024.

What’s changing?

As a part of the broader Shareable Apps rollout, the concept of app lifecycle management is being sunset. In service of this, the following changes are being made:

  • lifecycleManagement Sunset - The lifecycleManagement manifest field is being removed from the manifest specification, and will no longer be supported. This field previously determined whether an app was MANUAL or AUTOMATIC, and therefore how app developers received authentication credentials.
  • v0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested Sunset - In the same vein, the v0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested webhook is being sunset. This webhook previously included the clientId and clientSecret values that allowed AUTOMATIC apps to complete the install process.

Going forward, Shareable Apps will no longer require the transfer of tenant-specific credentials. Instead, apps receive a single app-specific set of authentication credentials that they use to authenticate to all tenants. As such, neither the lifecycleManagement manifest field nor the v0-beta-lifecycle.activateRequested webhook are required for Shareable Apps.

When creating apps using a manifest, the lifecycleManagement field should be omitted. The v0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested webhook is being replaced by the webhook for the purposes of automating app installation.

When is this happening?

These items are currently marked deprecated, and will be fully sunset on July 11th 2024. Existing Shareable Apps will not be impacted. Legacy apps that depend on the lifecycleManagement and/or the v0-beta.lifecycle.activate webhook must migrate to Shareable Apps before the sunset date to avoid interruption.

Check out the Shareable Apps FAQ for more information, and reach out to your Benchling representative for early access to Shareable Apps.