
[SUNSET] `v2-beta` Canvas Webhooks

Benchling will stop sending the v2-beta version of canvas-related webhooks on December 11th 2023. Please migrate to the corresponding v2 versions.

What’s changing?

In September, Benchling promoted the webhooks product to stable, and began sending the v2 versions of both canvas and lifecycle webhooks. For backwards compatibility, Benchling continued sending the deprecated v2-beta webhooks as well, resulting in a “duplicate” migration period (see this changelog post for more details).

Now that the v2 stable webhooks have been live for several months, we’re beginning the process of fully sunsetting the v2-beta versions. To start, Benchling will stop sending v2-beta webhooks related to App Canvas alone. This includes:

  • v0-beta.canvas.initialized
  • v0-beta.canvas.userInteracted

Going forward, integrations that depend on App Canvas-related webhooks should migrate to the corresponding v2 versions:

  • v0.canvas.initialized
  • v0.canvas.userInteracted

When is this happening?

Benchling will stop sending v2-beta canvas webhooks on December 11th 2023. If you have integrations that depend on App Canvas-related webhooks, please ensure they are migrated to the v2 version before this date.