
Transfers are no longer deleted when container contents are removed

Transfers will now be retained as a historical record, in both the Benchling UI and the container_transfer warehouse table, even after container contents are removed. This change will be live on March 29th 2024.

What’s changing?

Previously, when the contents of a container were removed, both transfers into that container and transfers out of that container were removed as well. Record of these transfers would no longer show up either in the UI or in the warehouse container_transfer table, making it difficult to maintain a clear transfer history outside of Benchling’s audit logs.

To improve this traceability and support viewing the transfer history, transfers will no longer be deleted when contents are removed. This means that the list of transfers for a given container may include transfers of content(s) that were previously in the container, but no longer are.

When is this happening?

This change will go live March 29, 2024