
SDK Version 1.13.0 Release

Version 1.13.0 of the Benchling SDK is a release focusing on changes to the delivery of Webhooks for both Events and App Signals. This includes adding new types and classes to allow developers to be productive with forward-looking models, as well as deprecating existing V0 shapes.

What's Changing?


  • New types to interact with the upcoming changes for Webhooks; more details on these changes can be found in the corresponding changelog post. We are making improvements to our APIs that will simplify the subscription and consumption of webhooks. You will find these under (e.g.) from benchling_sdk.models.webhooks.v0 import AssayRunCreatedWebhookV2.

  • New types benchling_sdk.models.ChartNotePart, InventoryContainerTableNotePart, and InventoryPlateTableNotePart, as variants of EntryNotePart.

  • New enum values in benchling_sdk.models.EntryLinkType (for the type property of EntryLink): INSIGHTS_DASHBOARD, FOLDER, SQL_DASHBOARD.

  • New property schema in benchling_sdk.models.WorkflowTask (with corresponding new type WorkflowTaskSchemaSummary).

  • New method benchling.v2.stable.entries.update_entry_template (with corresponding new type EntryTemplateUpdate).


  • The benchling.v2.beta.aa_sequences.find_matching_regions endpoint has been promoted to stable and can now be found in benchling.v2.stable.aa_sequences.find_matching_regions.

  • The benchling.v2.alpha.dna_sequences.find_matching_regions endpoint has been promoted to stable and can now be found in benchling.v2.stable.dna_sequences.find_matching_regions.


  • Updated type hints in the model types for creating/updating app config items (benchling_sdk.models.AppConfigItemGenericCreate, AppConfigItemGenericUpdate, AppConfigItemBooleanCreate, AppConfigItemBooleanUpdate, etc.) to make the value property an Optional type, since app config items that are not required can have a value of None. Trying to set an item's value to None if it is a required item will raise an error.


  • Batch endpoints have been removed. These changes were previously announced in this changelog post

  • Removed aa_sequence_service from the beta client, and dna_sequence_service from the alpha client, because all of the methods in those services have been promoted to stable.


  • Webhook V0 shapes are being deprecated in this release. We released a more thorough description of the changes in this changelog post. A summary is provided below:

    • V0 shapes are deprecated. (e.g.from benchling_sdk.models.webhooks.v0 import CanvasInitializeWebhookV0)
    • Please use the new V2 shapes. (e.g. from benchling_sdk.models.webhooks.v0 import CanvasInitializeWebhookv2)
    • Before July 11th, we will double send webhooks in both shapes to continue supporting existing applications.
    • After July 11th, we expect developers to use and expect V2 Webhooks in their applications.
    • After July 11th, App Signals need to be explicitly subscribed to continue receiving them for new apps created after this date.
    • As part of our preparation to make Shareable Apps Generally Available, we announced the sunsetting of the v0-beta.lifecycle.activateRequested webhook in the changelog. This follows the same timeline as above. Please subscribe to the new webhook instead. You can read more about Shareable Apps on the FAQ page

When is this happening?

Version 1.13.0 of the Benchling SDK is now live! Find the SDK in PyPI