
Analyses APIs promoted to beta stability

The Analyses APIs have been promoted from alpha to beta stability. This includes changes to a number of endpoints, as well as behavior changes to existing endpoints. Expand for more details.



The Batches API is now marked deprecated, and will be fully sunset on May 20th 2024


Python 3.7 End of Life

Python version 3.7 is approaching end of life on June 27th 2023. Future versions of the Benchling SDK released after that date will no longer support Python 3.7


SDK Version 1.6.1 Release

Version 1.6.0 of the Benchling SDK includes some minor fixes related to AsyncTask deserialization and Lab Automation models.


`POST /transfers` endpoint to specify `sourceConcentration` as a measurement

The specification for the POST /transfers endpoint is being updated to denote that the sourceConcentration field is a Measurement, not just a generic object. There’s no change in functionality for this endpoint, however the name of the corresponding SDK parameter will change from MultipleContainersTransferSourceConcentration to Measurement. This change will be going live on September 25th 2023.


Support for sample control features in Container API

Containers in Benchling are being updated to support access restrictions and ownership. This information will be visible via the Containers API, and may impact integration access to containers and samples.


Entries API "Seed data on create" feature promoted to stable

The ability to pre-populate structured tables when creating a notebook entry from a template (i.e. “seeding data”) is being supported in the stable version of the “Create a notebook entry” endpoint. The corresponding beta endpoint is now deprecated, and will be sunset on March 28th 2023.


App Canvas Creation Requires ResourceId

App canvas creation now lists resourceId as a required field when creating a new canvas.


App Canvas Initialization Experience

App canvas initialization for apps with an ASSAY_RUN canvas feature responding to webhooks will no longer receive a canvasId as part of the payload.


Webhook Type for App Canvas Interactions

The two webhook payloads for app canvas interactions and initializations will have their type key within the message attribute changed from: