
[DEPRECATED] Beta App Status API

App Status API endpoints have been promoted from beta to stable! The beta App Status API endpoints are currently marked deprecated, and will be fully sunset on October 16th 2023


Support for clearing quantity values when using `/containers:bulk-update` endpoint

Update: The rollout date of this change has been updated; the change will now go live on November 1st 2023. The behavior of the /containers:bulk-update endpoint is being updated to support clearing quantity values when null values are provided.


[Webhooks Promotion] Duplicate Webhooks for `beta` and stable versions

Duplicate webhook notifications (one v0-beta and one v0) are sent for each single trigger to ease the migration from beta to stable webhooks. Developers should acknowledge a single notification, depending on whether they’re using v0-beta or v0, and ignore the other. v0-beta webhooks are now deprecated, and will be sunset at some point in the near future.


SDK Version 1.8.0 Release

Version 1.8.0 of the Benchling SDK adds beta support for Datasets, and includes the promotion of a number of features from beta to GA including App Canvas , App Status, and Webhooks models. 1.8.0 also includes a minor update to the webhook verification helper, as well as the deprecation of some Benchling app methods. Finally, 1.8.0 fully sunsets support for Python 3.7.


Review Processes added to Warehouse

A number of new tables and table columns are being added to the warehouse to support review processes; expand to see more details about what’s been added.


Webhook ACK Timeout Changes

The webhook ACK timeout is being updated from 1 second to 3 seconds on August 1st 2023


[DEPRECATED] Apps API Write Endpoints

The Update an app, Archive an app, Unarchive an app, and Create an app endpoints are being marked as deprecated pending reintroduction and/or replacement functionality.


SDK Version 1.7.0 Release

Version 1.7.0 of the Benchling SDK includes support for a number of new features like App Canvas, improvements to existing features like import performance, and some bug fixes related to plates, among other things


Adding `app_id` parameter to App Canvas endpoints

The app_id parameter will now be returned when querying app canvases, and can optionally be included when creating canvases. The parameter will be required when creating canvases on June 21st.


Analyses APIs promoted to beta stability

The Analyses APIs have been promoted from alpha to beta stability. This includes changes to a number of endpoints, as well as behavior changes to existing endpoints. Expand for more details.